A two-pool model of tritiated water kinetics to predict body composition in unfasted lactating goats

A two-pool model of tritiated water kinetics was investigated as a means of partitioning total body water into empty body water and gut water in 17 lactating goats. Empty body water, gut water and total body water were of a similar magnitude to, and highly correlated with, a rapidly equilibrating tritiated water pool, a more slowly equilibrating pool and the sum of these two pools, respectively.Empty body fat was poorly correlated with both live weight and empty body weight (R2 = 0·42 and 0·51, respectively). However, there was a strong inverse relationship between the water and fat contents of the empty body. Consequently, empty body fat was accurately predicted by a multiple regression equation which included both empty body weight and empty body water as independent variables (R2 = 0·97). Substitution of these variables with estimates derived from tritiated water kinetics still resulted in a high correlation (R2 = 0·88). Tritiated water kinetics offered little improvement over live weight alone in the prediction of empty body protein, empty body ash or fat-free empty body.