An Adsorption Technique for Partial Purification of Japanese Encephalitis Virus in Chick-Embryo Tissue Suspensions

Suspensions of homogenized chick-embryo tissues infected with the virus of Japanese encephalitis may be partially purified by adsorption of normal tissue constituents on Attaclay SF, a siliceous mineral clay of very small particle size. Tissue suspensions containing 20% of infected tissue by wet wt. are shaken for 5 min. with various amts. of dry sterile Attaclay. The opt. amt. is 20 ml. of dry, packed clay per 100 ml. tissue suspension. After centrifugation at low speeds to sediment the clay, the clear supernatant fluid may be shown to be free of hemoglobin, reduced 75% in N content, and generally unimpaired in infectivity. Action of the adsorbent is believed to involve rejection of the virus particles in favor of smaller constituents of the suspension.

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