Analysis of estramustine binding protein (EBP) in rat dorsal prostate by means of high pressure liquid chromatography.

High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC, Toyo Soda TSK-GEL G3000 SW column) was used to analyze the properties of estramustine [used in treatment of prostatic cancer] binding protein (EBP) in the cytosol of rat dorsal prostate. There exist in the cytosol of rat dorsal prostate 2 binding components having a high affinity for estramastine. When estimated by HPLC, the MW of these estramustine binding components are 45,000-50,000 and 25,000-30,000 daltons, respectively. The binding of 3H-estramustine to a macromolecule with a MW of 25,000-30,000 is more heat labile than binding of 3H-estramustine to a macromolecule with a MW of 45,000-50,000. The HPLC method offers higher resolution, smaller sample size and faster analysis than other methods used in binding studies.