Critical edge between frozen extinction and chaotic life

The cellular automata ‘‘game of life’’ (GL) proposed by J. Conway simulates the dynamic evolution of a society of living organisms. It has been extensively studied in order to understand the emergence of complexity and diversity from a set of local rules. More recently, the capability of GL to self-oranize into a critical state has opened an interesting debate. In this work we adopt a different approach: by introducing stochastic rules in the GL it is found that ‘‘life’’ exhibits a very rich critical behavior. Discontinuous (first-order) irreversible phase transitions (IPT’s) between an extinct phase and a steady state supporting life are found. A precise location of the critical edge is achieved by means of an epidemic analysis, which also allows us to determine dynamic critical exponents. Furthermore, by means of a damage spreading study we conclude that the living phase is chaotic. The edge of the frozen-chaotic transition coincides with that of the IPT’s life extinction. Close to the edge, fractal spreading of the damage is observed; however, deep inside the living phase such spreading becomes homogeneous. (c) 1995 The American Physical Society

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