Regional ventilatory evaluation using dynamic SPET imaging of xenon-133 washout in obstructive lung disease: an initial study

Regional ventilatory abnormalities in obstructive lung disease were evaluated by dynamic single-photon emission tomography (SPET) of pulmonary washout of xenon-133 (133Xe) gas. The subjects included seven healthy volunteers. 17 patients with obstructive lung disease, and seven patients with restrictive lung disease. Following 6 min of inhalation of133Xe gas (60–72 MBq/1), equilibrium and subsequent washout SPET images during spontaneous breathing were sequentially acquired every 30 s for 6–7 min, using a triple-head SPET system with the return mode of continuous repetitive rotating acquisition. A gravity-induced gradient of ventilation was demonstrated in the volunteers' lungs. Compared with the normal subjects, all the patients with obstructive disease showed abnormal133Xe retention on the washout SPET images, with or without abnormalities on chest X-ray computed tomography, whereas the patients with restrictive disease did not show any significant delays in washout. This modality may assist in the evaluation of the three-dimensional dynamic process of ventilatory abnormalities in obstructive lung disease.