Surfactant Replacement Therapy Improves Pulmonary Mechanics in End-stage Influenza A Pneumonia in Mice

Surfactant replacement therapy may be a promising approach for treatment of respiratory failure caused by viral pneumonia. This study in mice demonstrates that during the development of lethal influenza A pneumonia, thorax-lung compliance (Ctl/kg) and lung volume at 5 cm H2O PEEP (V5/kg) significantly decrease (28 and 54%, respectively), whereas lung water content significantly increases (25%). Surfactant replacement therapy during the end stage of pneumonia significantly increases Ctl/kg (31%) and V5/kg (21%). Instillation of the vehicle for surfactant in control animals does not significantly affect Ctl/kg (5% decrease), but it significantly decreases V5/kg (25% decrease). Further, a new method for postmortem measurement of lung volumes in small laboratory animals based on Archimedes' principle is presented.