Kinesthetic Aftereffect Scores Are Reliable

The validity of the Kinesthetic Aftereffect (KAE) as a measure of personality has been criticized be cause of KAE's poor test-retest reliability. However. systematic bias effects render KAE retest sessions invalid and make test-retest reliability an inappro priate measure of KAE's true reliability. Internal consistency calculations, a better estimate of KAE's true reliability, have been flawed in the past. New analyses of internal consistency data from 10 sam ples using 2 different KAE procedures are present ed. Internal consistency of KAE scores was found to be high (median .89 for 5 samples with Petrie's procedure and median .59 for 5 samples with Weintraub's procedure). Some increment in reli ability can apparently be obtained by extending the number of trials in the Weintraub procedure.

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