The effect of three proteases--trypsin, pepsin, and pronase--on the immunohistochemical staining of keratins with a broad-spectrum monoclonal antibody was investigated in paraffin sections of formalin and ethanol-fixed tissues by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Both the length of exposure to the fixative and the duration of proteolysis were varied over a wide range. Ethanol-fixed tissues showed excellent preservation of the antigenicity of keratins, and no appreciable differences in immunostaining related to the length of fixation were found. The use of proteolytic enzymes did not improve these results; on the contrary, it caused rapid tissue disintegration. Formalin-fixed epithelial tissues stained weakly or failed to stain unless they were treated with a proteolytic enzyme. The optimal length of proteolysis varied with the degree of fixation; tissues that were fixed for long periods of time in formalin required longer exposure to a proteolytic enzyme and were more resistant to digestion than were tissues that were fixed briefly. No significant advantage of one protease over another was found in this study. We conclude that a proteolytic step must precede immunostaining for keratins if the tissue is fixed in formalin, but that the digestion period must be adjusted according to the length of exposure to the fixative. The superiority of alcohol over formalin fixation for the preservation of the antigenicity of keratins is confirmed by this study.