Patient-Controlled Analgesia: A Review of Effectiveness of Therapy and an Evaluation of Currently Available Devices

Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is a major advance in the management of pain in postoperative and cancer patients. The success of PCA has resulted in a proliferation of marketed devices to administer small bolus doses of parenteral pain-control drugs at fixed intervals controlled by the patient with the push of a button. Because patients demonstrate marked individual variation in pain medication requirements, PCA devices should be able to accommodate rapidly changing requirements for drugs with a minimum amount of effort on behalf of health care personnel. Crude electronic devices were developed in the late 1960s and the early 1970s and usually consisted of a syringe pump connected to some sort of timing device. Most modern PCA devices marketed in the past five years are much more sophisticated devices that are microprocessor based and some newer devices even generate hard copy for a permanent record of drug administration. Although many such devices are available (including a totally disposable PCA device), few have undergone extensive clinical evaluation. A review of the literature shows many devices are available for use without a single publication to document the safety and utility of the device in the routine patient care situation. Use of the PCA method of pain control will grow, and all hospital-based health care personnel should become familiar with their use and limitations.