H-2 antigen expression and sensitivity of BL6 melanoma cells to natural killer cell cytotoxicity.

The sensitivity of H-2b-high and H-2b-low variants of BL6 melanoma to the cytotoxic action of NK and lymphokine-activated killer cells was investigated. BL6 mouse melanoma cells lack detectable H-2Kb and had low levels of expression of H-2Db Ag. The BL6T2 variant cells, obtained after treatment of BL6 cells with mutagen N-methyl-N-nitro-N'-nitro-soguanidine, had relatively high levels of expression of class I H-2b Ag. Poly(I:C)-stimulated spleen cells of nude mice were highly cytotoxic for BL6T2, whereas H-2b-low BL6 cells were less sensitive to NK activity in an 18-h 51Cr-release assay. Similar results were obtained after 4-h incubation of radio-labeled tumor cells with IL-2-activated effector cells. In contrast, both lines were equally sensitive to lysis by purified granules derived from rat large granular lymphocytes (LGL) or by macrophages. By using various clones selected from BL6 or BL6T2 cells, it was found that BL6 or BL6T2 clones with low H-2b Ag expression were less sensitive to lysis by NK cells than H-2b-high clones. After IFN treatment of either BL6 or BL6T2, the target cells became more resistant to lysis by either NK cells or by purified LGL granules. IFN-treated BL6 cells had substantially increased expression of H-2b Ag and in this respect became similar to untreated BL6T2. However, IFN-treated BL6 cells were more resistant than BL6T2 cells to lysis by NK cells and LGL granules, suggesting that augmentation of H-2b Ag expression and NK resistance could be two independent IFN-induced effects. With a cold target inhibition assay, it was found that BL6T2 or its H-2 positive clones were highly competitive and inhibited the cytotoxic activity of NK and lymphokine-activated killer cells against radiolabeled YAC-1 and BL6T2, whereas BL6 cells or H-2-negative clones of BL6T2 and BL6 lines showed poor competitive ability. Thus, our data indicate that the NK resistance of H-2-low BL6 cells may be due to a paucity of NK recognizable determinants. N-Methyl-N-nitro-N'-nitroguanidine treatment of BL6 melanoma cells was associated with an increase in class I H-2b Ag expression and NK sensitivity, suggesting the involvement of class I MHC Ag in the sensitivity of tumor cells to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity.