Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Acceptability Among Parents of 10- to 15-Year-Old Adolescents

To determine human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine acceptance among parents of 10- to 15-year-old adolescents. Five hundred seventy-five parents or guardians completed a 30-question survey regarding their knowledge of HPV and acceptance of an HPV vaccine. Afterward, subjects read an HPV educational fact sheet and completed a 26-question survey. Results were compared using the χ2 test, analysis of variance, and McNemar's test. More than 60% of subjects had a general understanding of HPV. Parents opposed to the HPV vaccine were more likely to believe it would promote earlier initiation of coitus compared with parents supportive or undecided about vaccination (24%, 9%, and 6%, respectively; p = .003). Of the subjects initially opposed to or undecided about the HPV vaccine, 37% and 65%, respectively, supported HPV vaccination after an educational intervention. A brief educational intervention significantly improved parent's acceptance of the HPV vaccine. The negative impact of an HPV vaccine perceived as condoning early initiation of sexual intercourse seems to be minimal.

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