EMIT® Theophylline Assay at Reduced Cost

An experiment was designed to determine if a new EMIT theophylline [a bronchodilator used in the treatment of asthma] method that reduces reagent costs can maintain the standard EMIT method''s high degree of accuracy and precision. Eight known theophylline concentrations ranging from 1.5-75 .mu.g/ml were analyzed by both methods. Assays (205) were performed on study patients using the new method. During 4 mo. of clinical service, 51 assays, ranging from 0-51 .mu.g/ml, were performed by the standard method, and during the following 12 mo. 213 clinical service assays, ranging from 0-35.6 .mu.g/ml, were performed by the new method. A strong correlation (r = 0.997) was demonstrated between the new and standard EMIT methods. Both methods had similar variance and curve stability. A 56% reduction in reagent expenses was realized with the new method over a 12-mo. period.