Plasma Catecholamines and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

Blood glucose, glucose tolerance, serum insulin, free fatty acids in serum, plasma noradrenaline, and plasma adrenaline were measured in 10 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) as well as in healthy subjects. Both noradrenaline and adrenaline in plasma were elevated in patients with AMI, the level being fairly constant in the individual patients and dependent on their degree of illness. In the fasting state, blood glucose, serum insulin, and free fatty acids were elevated in patients with AMI. Plasma noradrenaline showed a highly significant correlation with the fasting blood glucose concentration, but not with serum insulin or free fatty acids. The concentration of free fatty acids in serum could be predicted only if both plasma noradrenaline and the basal insulin concentration were known. Intravenous glucose tolerance was reduced in patients with AMI, especially in patients with high plasma noradrenaline and a low initial rise in insulin. There was a significant negative correlation between the initial rise in insulin expressed in percentage of the basal insulin concentration and the plasma noradrenaline level. The statistical effects of serum insulin and plasma noradrenaline on the glucose tolerance could not be separated from each other. The decline in free fatty acids after intravenous injection of glucose showed a negative correlation with plasma noradrenaline and a positive correlation with the initial rise in insulin. Plasma adrenaline did not correlate with any of the metabolic parameters mentioned above. The plasma noradrenaline concentration was elevated to such a degree in patients with AMI that the observed changes in metabolism might have been caused directly by the circulating noradrenaline. During the glucose tolerance tests, the effects of noradrenaline was probably carried out indirectly via a suppression of insulin secretion. It is conceivable that any effect of plasma noradrenaline on the basal insulin secretion was neutralized by the fasting hyperglycemia.