The mineral nutrient requirements of Pinus silvestris L. and Picea abies Karst. were studied according to previously published methods applied to a series of various plant species. The optimum nutrient proportions are similar to those of Vaccinium, with a lower relative potassium requirement than birch and other broad‐leaf species. Various ratios between ammonium and nitrate nitrogen were about equally efficient except for a minor growth reduction with pure nitrate, which gave a comparatively low nitrogen content and a high cation/nitrogen ratio. The rate of ammonium uptake was much higher than that of nitrate when both sources were supplied. The required total concentration in the nutrient solution for maximum growth is lower in pine than in spruce, but both fall within the low salt range. Both species, especially pine, are sensitive to high salt concentrations. Although pine and spruce grow on the same type of soils as Vaccinium— leached soils with low base saturation – accumulation of calcium or other cations is not as pronounced as in Vaccinium, especially not in pine. The results are compared with results from similar experiments with a series of other conifers. All the conifers have more flexible cation uptake mechanisms than Vaccinium but the results indicate tendencies to accumulation of anions, nitrate and phosphate. Recommended fertilizer compositions for forest fertilization and nurseries are discussed.