Initial formation of cellular intrinsic fiber cementum in developing human teeth

The present study describes the formative process of the initiation of cellular intrinsic fiber cementum (CIFC) in still growing human teeth. From 29 premolars and molars with incomplete roots developed to 60–90% of their final length, 8 premolars (with roots formed to three quarters of their final length) were selected for electron-microscopic investigation. All teeth were clinically intact and prefixed in Karnovsky's fixative immediately after extraction. Most of them were decalcified in ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and the apical part of the roots was divided axially into mesial and distal portions that were subdivided in about 5 slices each. Following osmication and embedding in Epon, these blocks were cut for light- and electron-microscopic examination. In addition, 5 teeth with incomplete roots were freed from organic material and processed for scanning electron microscopy. It was found that CIFC-initiation commenced very close to the advancing root edge and resulted in a rapid cementum thickening. Thereafter, appositional growth continued on the already established cementum surface. Large, basophilic and rough endoplasmic reticulum-rich cementoblasts, some of which became cementocytes, were responsible for both fast and slow CIFC-formation. The CIFC-matrix was free of Sharpey's fibers and composed of more or less organized intrinsic collagen fibrils, in part fibril bundles, that ran roughly parallel to the root surface. Initially, the cementum fibrils intermingled with those of the dentinal collagen fibrils, which were not yet mineralized. This boundary subsequently underwent calcification. The development of collagen fibril bundles and their extracellular arrangement were associated with cytoplasmic processes probably involved in fibril formation and fibril assembly. Many cementoblasts contained intracytoplasmic, membrane-bounded collagen fibrils, which probably were related to fibril formation rather than degradation.