Cysticercus cellulosae, the larval form of Taenia solium, commonly known as the pork tapeworm, is rarely encountered infesting man. Modern meat inspection has enormously reduced its incidence in all civilized countries. Not only is it rare but its lesions are so distributed, and at times so few, that premortem diagnosis is often extremely difficult. The condition may be revealed only at the necropsy table. The frequency with which cysticerci are found in the nervous system in those otherwise infested with the disease is reported variously by different authors. Africa and Cruz1quote Vosgien, who in reviewing 807 instances found that the nervous system was involved 330 times, or in 40 per cent. Dressel2found the brain affected seventy-two times in eighty-seven cases, or in 82 per cent. Henneberg3states that in a series of 1,408 autopsies at the Charité in Berlin only three cases of cysticerci of