Absence Of Glucose Effect on Gastro-Intestinal Phosphate Absorption

Radioactive phosphate soln., 15P32, with a half-life of 14.2 days, an activity of 78 [mu]C/ml., a pH of 7.35 and a conc. calculated as Na2HPO4 of 0.105 M, was fed to rats which were without food for 2 days. 0.4 ml. of the phosphate diluted with 4.6 ml. of isotonic glucose were given. Isotonic NaCl or Ringer''s was substituted for glucose in control rate. The rats were decapitated 10 mins. after feeding. The stomach and intestines were excised, washed, dried and weighed. The absorbed amt. of radioactive phosphate/ g. of tissue was found by the Geiger-Miiller counter. The presence and presumable absorption of glucose had no apparent significant effect on the absorption of the phosphate.