To the Editor:— The papers of Dr. Wolffe have been for the most part published in obscure medical journals which it has been difficult for me to obtain. Through the courtesy of the American Medical Association Library I have secured a copy of theProceedings of the Fifteenth International Physiological Congress, which was held in Leningrad in 1935 and which contains the abstract of a paper by Dr. Wolffe and his associates entitled "Desympatone—A Fraction of Insulin-Free Pancreatic Extract." Apparently Dr. Wolffe has secured an extract from pancreas which when injected intravenously into rabbits and dogs produces a definite but transitory fall in blood pressure and which in some way seems to antagonize the pressor action of epinephrine. I have been unable to find in any of the publications of this group any evidence indicating that this extract resembles lipocaic in its effect on the fatty infiltration in the liver