Tree-Ring Studies on Agathis australis (Kauri): A Synthesis of Development Work on Late Holocene Chronologies

The potential of kauri (Agathis australis) for paleoclimate research is well established. Multiple tree- ring chronologies have been derived from living and sub-fossil material and growth-climate relationships have been identified. Work has progressed to the stage where raw ring-width data and chronologies covering the last half of the second millennium can confidently be placed in the public domain, to facilitate multi- proxy paleoclimate studies. This paper outlines progress in deriving kauri tree-ring chronologies, summa- rises data availability and quality, and explores the scope for developing composite chronologies. Statistical quality control of the available data was undertaken, following application of an ‘‘optimum’’ standardisation technique. Variations in sample depth with time and between sites result in a complex,evolving pattern of chronology quality across sites. Analysis of inter-site statistical relationships identified a pervasive regional- scale signal in kauri with some minor secondary patterns. In light of the strong common signal, a kauri master chronology was built by pooling tree-ring series. Analysis of the quality of this chronology indicates that high-quality master chronologies can be derived for A.D. 1597‐1996 from as few as 25 trees from seven sites. Keywords: tree rings, kauri, Agathis australis, New Zealand.