CONSTANT epiphora is a major annoyance to, if not a serious affliction of, many people. The results of treatment of epiphora, when due to partial or complete stenosis of the lower lacrimal canaliculus, are often less than desired. This is in contrast to the usually satisfactory results obtained in treatment of epiphora when due to dacryocystitis, closure of the nasolacrimal duct in infants, or ectropion. Epiphora due to partial stenosis of the lower canaliculus is much more frequent than that due to complete stenosis of this canal. Partial closure of the canaliculus is especially frequent in the older age group; often the puncta only are closed in these persons. PARTIALLY STENOSED LOWER CANALICULUS In 1949 I reported the use of a plastic rod for the treatment of partially stenosed lower lacrimal canaliculi.1 Nylon rods2 are now used instead of the plastic rods employed previously. There is no danger

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