Patterns of geographic variation in nine morphological characters of adult muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) are investigated by multiple regression and canonical correlation analysis. Three variables describing the annual precipitation regimen account for 16 to 33% of the variance in each of the skeletal measurements. Highly variable precipitation patterns result in low rates of germination and survivorship for preferred aquatic food plants which in turn reduces average total food availability for muskrats. In large individuals nutritive demands may exceed supply, thus selection favors smaller body size in areas of low food availability. After removing the variation attributable to three precipitation variables, the residual variation in the morphological variables is exposed to canonical correlation analysis with a set of 10 environmental and geographic variables. A canonical variate loaded for climatic seasonality accounts for 60% of the variance in a canonical variate of the morphological residuals which load as a general body size variate. It is argued that seasonality is a major factor selecting for large body size in muskrats and other organisms. During seasonal periods of resource abundance natural selection favors individuals with rapid growth to a large size, while concurrently enhancing survivorship through oncoming periods of resource shortage.