Precursor effects and ferroelectric macroregions in KTa1xNbxO3 and K1yLiyTaO3

In the present paper, dielectric, polarization, and Raman results have been combined to identify the existence of a ferroelectric phase transition in the substitutionally disordered dipolar system, KTa1x Nbx O3, for low Nb concentrations (x=1.2%). A detailed study of the first-order TO2 and TO3 Raman lines reveals (1) the existence of polar microregions well above Tc and (2) the structural transition at Tc with the appearance of ferroelectric macroregions. Similar results are obtained in K1y Liy TaO3 with a quantitative difference due to the slow reorientation of Li. These results can be explained by a random-field model which predicts the coexistence of both dipolar glass and ferroelectric behavior.