Plants of common barberry (Berberis vulgaris L.) were inoculated to determine their reaction to race 15B of wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici Erikss. & Henn.). Only resistant-type infections occurred on plants inoculated with two pure cultures of race 15B-4 (Can.). Strong circumstantial evidence for the resistance of common barberry to race 15B was obtained from inoculations with sporidia from teliospores produced in the field. Sporidia from teliospores collected from the emmer wheat variety Vernal, which is selective for race 15B, produced only infections of a resistant type, and those from the common wheat variety Lee, also selective for 15B, caused both resistant and susceptible types of infections. Transfer of aeciospores to wheat from the susceptible type demonstrated that 15B was not present. Sporidia from teliospores on the varieties Reliance and Mentana, which are not selective for this race, caused infections of a susceptible type. Resistant-type and susceptible-type infections appeared when barberry leaves were infected with races 29 and 48A.

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