The last-instar larvae of 13 species of Loxostege Hbn. are described and a key included to separate them to species. Notes on the life histories and habits have been added where these are available. One, L. sticticalis (L.), the beet webworm, often causes damage in commercial beet fields. The other species involved in this present work are: L. coloradensis (G. & R.), L. chortalis (Grt.), L. pseudobliteralis Capps, L. marculenta (G. &. R.), L. mancalis (Led.), L. helvialis (Wlk.), L. bifidalis (Fabr.), L. rantalis (Gn.), L. allectalis (Grt.), L. cereralis Zell., L. albiceralis (Grt.), and L. floridalis B. & McD.