The conductances of solutions of lithium nitrate in 30, 70, and 100 weight per cent ethyl alcohol have been determined at concentrations ranging from 0.01 molar up to saturation, at 25 °C. The densities and viscosities of these solutions have also been determined. The data have been compared with the calculated conductances obtained from the Wishaw–Stokes equation. The agreement is fairly good up to, say, 2 M, for all solvents except absolute alcohol. In the latter solvent there is no value of å, the distance of closest approach, which will give consistent values of the equivalent conductance. In passing from pure water to pure alcohol, the value of å increases progressively and this we attribute to a change in the solvation of the lithium ion from water molecules to alcohol molecules. Some further calculations incline us to the view that the nitrate ion, as well as the lithium ion, is solvated to some extent, at least in alcohol.