Immunohistochemical demonstration of neuron-specific enolase in gynecologic malignant tumors

Gynecologic malignant tumors were studied by the immunoperoxidase method for neuron-specific enolase (NSE). They included 22 argyrophil cell carcinomas of the endometrium, 6 argyrophil small cell carcinomas of the cervix, 21 argyrophil cell adenocarcinomas of the ovary (endometrioid type, 10; mucinous type, 11) and 3 ovarian carcinoids (strumal type, 2; insular type, 1). NSE was demonstrated in all cases of argyrophil small cell carcinomas of the cervix and ovarian carcinoids. On the other hand, NSE was positive only in four cases of endometrial carcinomas with argyrophil cells. Argyrophil cell adenocarcinomas of the cervix and the ovary were immunohistochemically negative for NSE. The current results suggest that argyrophil small cell carcinoma of the cervix, ovarian carcinoid, and some endometrial argyrophil cell carcinomas are related to APUDoma.