The double oval UV auroral distribution: 2. The most poleward arc system and the dynamics of the magnetotail

The poleward arc system of a double oval distribution is shown to activate at the end of the optical expansion phase signifying the beginning of substorm recovery. The velocity dispersed ion signature (VDIS) can exist coincident with this discrete aurora developing on the most poleward oval. Although the VDlS is usually associated with ion beams in the plasma sheet boundary layer, it is demonstrated that the ionospheric signature is not beamlike but distributed in pitch angle. At the time when the double oval begins to form, the magnetic field in the magnetotail lobe becomes less flared and can show Pc 5 period oscillations. Similar pulsations also exist in the ionosphere associated with the most poleward oval and with stationary surge formation. Theoretical considerations link this phenomenon with a wave source tailward of xGSE = −30RE and fast mode evanescent waves propagating earthward in the tail lobe region. In this case the magnetotail appears to act like a waveguide and the plasma sheet boundary layer as a resonance region. This implies that the coupling of this fast mode wave is with the plasma sheet boundary layer and not with dipolar like field lines. The implications of this for the reconnection model of substorms are discussed.