Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Pneumonia: Patterns on CT Scans and Conventional Chest Radiographs

The goal of our study was to describe the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1) pneumonia patterns on CT scans and chest radiographs. We retrospectively reviewed clinical records and chest radiographs of 24 patients with HSV 1 pneumonia and 10 with pneumonia from combined HSV and mixed flora infection. We also reviewed CT scans available for eight patients with HSV pneumonia and four with mixed pneumonia. CT scans of eight patients with HSV pneumonia demonstrated multifocal segmental and subsegmental ground-glass opacities (n = 8), additional focal areas of consolidation (n = 6), scattered distribution (n = 6), and pleural effusions (n = 7). Chest radiographs (23 patients) showed patchy segmental and subsegmental ground-glass opacities and consolidation (n = 23), scattered distribution (n = 20), and pleural effusions (n = 12). Radiographic patterns for isolated HSV pneumonia and mixed flora pneumonia were not significantly different. With a growing population of at-risk immunosuppressed patients, it is important to recognize CT and chest radiography patterns consistent with, although nonspecific for, HSV 1 pneumonia.