Anti-IgE and Con A-induced histamine release from mast cells of four rat strains: Correlation with total serum IgE

Anti-IgE- and Con A-induced histamine release from serosal mast cells were compared to each other and to total serum levels of IgE in non-immunized, alum-injected, and Silica gel-injected rats of the BN, Fischer, PVG, and SD strains. The results indicate that the degree of anti-IgE-and Con A-induced release is strain-dependent and varies with immunization conditions. Furthermore, there is a gross but not complete correlation between the degree of serosal mast cell histamine release induced by the two secretagogues. However, Con A- or anti-IgE-induced release could significantly be correlated to serum levels of total IgE only in the Fischer strain but not in the BN or the PVG strains. In the SD strain, Con A-induced release correlated to serum IgE levels in Silica gel-injected but not in alum-injected animals.