Viral Hepatitis, Type B (MS-2 Strain)

A specific hepatitis B immune serum globulin preparation was effective for the prevention or modification of viral hepatitis, type B. All 11 children who had a parenteral exposure to MS-2 serum had evidence of hepatitis B infection after an average incubation period of 68 days. In contrast, of ten children who received hepatitis B immune serum globulin four hours after a parenteral exposure to MS-2 serum, (1) six were completely protected, five with evidence of passive-active immunity, (2) one had a transient infection for six days followed by the appearance of antibody, and (3) three had classical viral hepatitis, type B, after an average incubation period of 110 days. Under the conditions of this controlled study hepatitis B immune serum globulin was 70% effective.