Monopoles and instantons on partially compactifiedD-branes

Motivated by the recent D-brane constructions of world-volume monopoles and instantons, we study the supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory on S1×R3+1, spontaneously broken by a Wilson loop. In addition to the usual N1 fundamental monopoles, the Nth Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield monopole appears from the Kaluza-Klein sector. When all N monopoles are present, net magnetic charge vanishes and the solution can be reinterpreted as a Wilson-loop instanton of unit Pontryagin number. The instanton-multimonopole moduli space is explicitly constructed, and seen to be identical to a Coulomb phase moduli space of a U(1)N gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions related to Kronheimer's gauge theory of SU(N)-type. This extends the results by Intriligator and Seiberg to the finite couplings that, in the infrared limit of Kronheimer's theory, the Coulomb phase parametrizes a centered SU(N) instanton. We also elaborate on the case of restored SU(N) symmetry.
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