The Bacteroides of Human Feces

50-99% of the organisms grown from normal feces were non-sporebearing anaerobic bacilli of the genus Bacteroides. From a series of 65 normal stools, chiefly of adults, 18 spp. of Gram-negative Bacteroides were isolated and studied. 2 of these have been described previously by Distaso; the remaining 16 are new: Bacteroides gulosus (p.398), B. uniformis (p.400), B. vulgatus (p.401), B. incommunis (p. 402), B. distasonis (p.403), B. uncatus (p.404), B. tumidus (p.405), B. ovatus (p.405), B. vescus (p.406), B. convexus (p.406), B. exiguus (p.407), B. inaequalis (p.407), B. insolitus (p.408), B. varius (p.409), B. coagulans (p.409), and B. siccus (p.410). The Gram-positive spp. will be reported later.