The avidin-biotin peroxidase complex (ABCPx) in skin immunoelectron microscopy

The interaction between avidin and biotin can be exploited in immunoperoxidase techniques in three main ways: the labeled avidin-biotin technique (LAB); the bridge avidin-biotin technique (BRAB); the performed avidin-biotin complex (ABCPx). In a comparative study of these three methods and the peroxidase antiperoxidase method using serial dilutions of antinuclear positive serum, the ABCPx method yielded the most intense staining. For this reason, the ABCPx method has been applied in immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) techniques on normal and pathological skin employing monoclonal. OKT4, OKT6, and OKT8 antibodies to detect target membrane antigens. The authors notes that the ANCPx method allows strong staining both in normal and pathological skin and improves tissue preservation.