Long term follow-up of interposition mesocaval shunting in portal hypertension

Summary: The long term results of 28 interposition mesocaval shunts performed between 1971 and 1975 are analysed over a follow-up period of 5–9 years. There were 6 emergency operations and 22 elective operations, with an overall operative mortality of 14·3 per cent and a 5-year survival for the complete series of 31·5 per cent (class A patients 55·5 per cent, class B 33 per cent and class C 0 per cent). Shunt patency at 7 months was 95 per cent but by 5 years this had fallen to 53 per cent. Further variceal bleeding occurred in 6 patients (31·5 per cent) in 4 of whom shunt occlusion was confirmed.