Intrinsic linewidths of neon 2s2p5(1,3P)nl2L correlation satellites

The intrinsic linewidths of 2s2p5(1,3P)3s2P and 2s2p5(1,3P)3p2S correlation satellites were determined from high resolution photoelectron spectra. The authors find widths of 0.41(5) eV for the (1P)3p2S satellite and 0.11(4) eV for the (3P)3p2S satellite. This confirms the prediction that the decay of the (1P)3p2S state is dominated by a multiplet Auger transition to the 2s2p5(3P) ionic state. The resulting broadening of the (1P)3p2S line is considerably overestimated by a relaxed single-configuration Hartree-Fock calculation, indicating the presence of strong many-electron interactions. In addition, an identification of several new lines of the conjugate shakeup 2s2p5(1P)ns2P Rydberg series and a measurement of the relative line strengths of the satellite excitations are presented.