Statistically averaged rate equations for intense non-neutral beam propagation through a periodic solenoidal focusing field based on the nonlinear Vlasov–Maxwell equations

In this paper we present a detailed formulation and analysis of the rate equations for statistically averaged quantities for an intense non-neutral beam propagating through a periodic solenoidal focusing field Bsol(x) with axial periodicity length S=const. The analysis is based on the nonlinear Vlasov–Maxwell equations in the electrostatic approximation, assuming a thin beam with characteristic beam radius rb≪S, and small transverse momentum and axial momentum spread in comparison with the directed axial momentum pzbbc. The global rate equation is derived for the self-consistent nonlinear evolution of the statistical average 〈χ〉=Nb−1∫dXdYdXdYχFb, where χ(X,Y,X,Y,s) is a general phase function, and Fb(X,Y,X,Y,s) is the distribution function of the beam particles in the transverse phase space (X,Y,X,Y) appropriate to the Larmor frame. The results are applied to investigate the nonlinear evolution of the generalized entropy, mean canonical angular...