Sports participation and health

Two earlier papers, Gratton and Tice (1987a and 1987b) reported the results of preliminary analyses of the association between the way people spend their leisure time and various health indicators. The focus of interest was sports participants and these were contrasted with non-participants under four general headings: health status, health attitudes, health lifestyles, and leisure orientation. The data-base used was the 1980 General Household Survey. This paper summarizes those earlier results and then takes the analysis a stage further in two important respects. Firstly, within the sports participant group, different levels of participation are measured by incorporating data on frequency of participation and level of exertion involved in the activity and hence a more sophisticated measure of participation is derived. Secondly, the analysis is broadened by extending it into two other data-sets, the 197 General Household Survey and the Health and Lifestyle Survey, both of which provide additional information on the leisure and health relationship to that available in the 1980 GHS.