In the quark model, hadrons are thought to be singlet states with respect to "color" SU(3). Therefore, in this paper, we study singlet-singlet scattering in a non-Abelian gauge theory in which color SU(3) is the gauge symmetry. We avoid the difficult bound-state problem by representing the hadron as a scalar field φ, a color singlet, which interacts with the quarks through an effective coupling: GφΣi=13ψ¯iψi. We calculate the high-energy (s, t0 fixed) φφ scattering amplitude to sixth order in the quark-gluon coupling constant g. The calculation is done by using the "infinite-momentum technique" as developed by Chang and Ma. To justify this technique we also calculate high-energy fermion-fermion scattering in a non-Abelian gauge theory using a more rigorous method. We compare our result with an "infinite-momentum technique" calculation done by McCoy and Wu and a similar calculation done by Tyburski. The φφ scattering amplitude is infrared finite. The total cross section for high-energy φφ scattering is found to be σφφ = 64g4G4(2π)12π7 [N1(b)(3g28π2)lnsN2(b)], where N1(b) and N2(b) are positive functions depending only on b = (μ24m2)12μ, where μ is the hadron mass and m is the quark mass.