Critical coupling constants in chiral-symmetry breaking

Finger, Horn, and Mandula showed in a Tamm-Dancoff approximation in QCD that Coulomb exchange induces instability of the chiral-invariant vacuum for αs>αscrit in the sense that for αs>αscrit there are negative eigenvalues of an operator H derived by them. We show here that another critical coupling constant αscrit>αscrit is more meaningful. For αs>αscrit there is no positive self-adjoint extension of H; for αs<αscrit there is at least one; when αscrit<αs<αscrit, among several self-adjoint extensions, a positive one is singled out by the physical requirement of a finite kinetic-energy expectation value. Considering, respectively, Coulomb exchange with the Tamm-Dancoff approximation, Coulomb exchange with the Bogoliubov-Valatin approximation, and Coulomb exchange plus transverse-gluon exchange, the values are 43αscrit=8π(4+π2), 4π, 125π, to be compared with 43αscrit=32, 1, π(3π4).

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