The nucleotide sequence coding for the nonstructural proteins of Semliki Forest virus has been determined from cDNA clones. The total length of this region is 7381 nucleotides, it contains an open reading frame starting at position 86 and ending at an UAA stop codon at position 7379–7381. This open reading frame codes for a 2431 amino acids long polyprotein, from which the individual nonstructural proteins are formed by proteolytic processing steps, so that nsP1 is 537. nsP2 798, nsP3 482 and naP4 614 amino acids. In the closely related Sindbis and Middelburg viruses there is an opal stop codon (UGA) between the genes for nsP3 and nsP4 (1). Interestingly, no stop codon i3 found in frame in this region of the Semliki Forest virus 42S RNA. In other aspects the amino acid sequence homology between Sindbis, Middelburg and Semliki Forest virus nonstructural proteins is highly significant.