Dyslexic Children Have Normal Vestibular Responses to Rotation

• We examined the rotational vestibular responses of carefully screened dyslexic and control populations (34 dyslexics and 33 controls). The subject groups had equivalent performance IQs but differed significantly on verbal IQ and on silent and oral reading. Children with significant neurologic, visual, or hearing deficits were excluded. We measured eye movements provoked by sinusoidal rotation of the subjects (in total darkness) at low frequencies (0.01 to 0.16 Hz). Gain, phase, and preponderance (asymmetry) of the responses were calculated from the eye velocity and stimulus velocity waveforms. There were no differences between the groups in any of these measures. We conclude that there are no clinically measurable differences in this aspect of vestibular function in our carefully selected populations of dyslexic and control children.