Anchored multiplex amplification on a microelectronic chip array

We have developed a method for anchored amplification on a microchip array that allows amplification and detection of multiple targets in an open format. Electronic anchoring of sets of amplification primers in distinct areas on the microchip permitted primer-primer interactions to be reduced and distinct zones of amplification created, thereby increasing the efficiency of the multiplex amplification reactions. We found strand displacement amplification (SDA) to be ideal for use in our microelectronic chip system because of the isothermal nature of the assay, which provides a rapid amplification system readily compatible with simple instrumentation. Anchored SDA supported multiplex DNA or RNA amplification without decreases in amplification efficiency. This microelectronic chip-based amplification system allows multiplexed amplification and detection to be performed on the same platform, streamlining development of any nucleic acid-based assay.