Excretion of radiolabeled estradiol metabolites in the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang)

The excretion pattern of estradiol was studied in the slow loris Nycticebus coucang) and the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) in order to compare steroid excretion in two representative prosimian species. Daily urinary estrone conjugate measurements in the female loris provided little information when applied over prolonged periods. As a result of these negative data, a metabolic study was performed to determine if estrogen excretion patterns in the slow loris differed from those in the lemur, where urinary assays proved a useful tool in characterizing reproductive cycles. Radio-labeled estradiol was injected intravenously, and serial urine and fecal collections were analyzed for radiolabeled metabolites. The results of these studies demonstrate that more than 92% of the radiolabel was excreted in the feces of the loris, in contrast to only 16% excreted in the feces of the lemur.