In summary, the following proposals are submitted: (1) Define the component parts of feeds. (2) When reporting data on feeds in the literature, describe them in detail. This should include: common name of plant, animal or feed product; species, variety or kind; part of plant, animal or feed product; process undergone; stage of maturity; cutting or crop; grade; and source or origin including country, state, county and specific area. When known, scientific names of plants and animals should be included. (3) Analyze for nutrients which are used in calculating diets for animals and determine their utilization. Energy should be on a calorie basis, i.e., gross, digestible, metabolizable and net. To shift over gradually to this system it is suggested that a dual system be temporarily adopted; in the United States, TDN could be recorded in one column and digestible, metabolizable or net energy in another. In Europe, starch equivalent values, the Scandinavian feeding unit or other values should be recorded in one column, while caloric values as suggested above should be listed in a second. When sufficient data are obtained on the calorie system, the other methods may be discontinued and an international calorie system adopted. (4) Compute nutrient requirements of animals, express feed analyses, and calculate diets on a moisture free basis. (5) And finally, correct diets for mixing to an “as fed” basis. Copyright © 1963. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1963 by American Society of Animal Science