Ab initio studies of interoxygen bonding in O2, HO2, H2O2, O3, HO3, and H2O3

The nature of the interoxygen bonding in O2, HO2, H2O2, O3, HO3, and H2O3 has been investigated on the basis of ab initio (LCAO‐MO) and experimental force constants, bond lengths, and energies. The fact that small basis sets appear to give the OO force constants for H2O2 and HO2 in the order opposite to that observed prompted an analysis of the sensitivity of the above properties with respect to various types of contracted Gaussian‐type orbitals (CGTOs). A large basis set of s and p CTGOs, [43/2] is found to give proper qualitative account of OO bond lengths and force constants. However, polarization functions (3d functions on oxygen) are necessary for accurate calculation of relative bond energies in H2O2 and HO2. The species HO3 is estimated to be [inverted lazy s] 15 kcal/mole unstable with respect to O2 + OH, in agreement with empirical estimates, thus making unlikely its potential role as a reaction intermediate. Hydrogen trioxide (H2O3) is calculated to have OO bonds slightly shorter ([inverted lazy s] 1.44 Å) than in H2O2 (1.48 Å), but with OO force constants similar in magnitude to H2O2, and a large OO stretching interaction force constant. The latter fact, in conjunction with spectral data from analogous systems, would be expected to make the symmetric stretch frequency in H2O3 larger than that for the antisymmetric mode, and this conclusion is discussed in the context of recent experimental data of Giguère et al., which is attributed to H2O3 and H2O4. The preferred anti conformation (C2 symmetry) of the OH bonds in H2O3 is noted as being potentially relevant to the conformation of intermediates in the ozonolysis of olefins. HO2 is calculated to have a very low lying (< 1 eV) excited state (2A′), as suggested by other workers, for which we estimate an OO bond length of 1.48 Å. Variations in OO bonding strength are analyzed in terms of Pauling bond orders and π‐electron density matrix elements. Force constants are not always found to vary monotonically with bond length, and the distinction between symmetrized and unsymmetrized force constants is emphasized in this connection.

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