The Bi209(p, t)Bi207 and Pb208(p, t)Pb206 reactions were studied at a proton energy of 17.8 MeV in order to examine possible relationships between the nuclear structures of Bi207 and Pb206. From a detailed comparison of the cross sections and angular distributions observed in the two reactions, it is concluded that a number of low-lying levels in Bi207 are built upon core excitations which can be identified with the levels of Pb206. The cross-section comparisons served to measure the fragmentation of the observed core strengths caused by the particle-core interaction in Bi207, and yielded the corresponding weak-coupling wave-function amplitudes for the low-lying Bi207 levels. The results show that considerable mixing occurs in Bi207 between members of a multiplet based on the 21+ core excitation and the single-particle proton levels, so that the L=2 Bi209(p, t)Bi207 cross section was not distributed according to the normal (2J+1) rule. The measured wave-function amplitudes are consistent with a weak-coupling structure, however, and also are consistent with Pb206(He3, d)Bi207 measurements of the fragmentation of the single-particle proton strengths produced by the particle-core interaction.