Pediatric Low Energy Lithotripsy With the Lithostar

Between November 1988 and July 1993, 238 renal stones and 208 ureteral stones were treated in 446 pediatric patients using 26 mobile and 2 fixed base Siemens Lithostar lithotriptors. The stones were treated by a group of 245 urologists using the modified Puigvert technique and the standard shock tube. The success rate for renal stones (asymptomatic fragments less than 4 mm.) was 76.6%, stone-free rate was 67.9%, retreatment rate was 14.1% and ancillary procedures were performed in 36.3%. The stone-free rate for ureteral stones was 91.1%, retreatment rate was 3.5% and ancillary procedures were performed in 17.7%. Anesthesia was required in 31% of the renal and 21% of the ureteral procedures. Sepsis in a 6-year-old child after treatment of a ureteral stone was the only major complication. Low energy lithotripsy with the Lithostar in our series of pediatric patients was safe and effective.