The Taylor theory of polycrystal plasticity was applied to three‐axial deformation accomplished by glide on (111) [110] or (110) [111] glide systems. The orientation dependence of the Taylor factor was used to calculate the angular dependence of the relative strength of a textured material. The angular dependence of the strain ratio R — calculated from the minimum value of the Taylor factor — was compared with the measured strain ratio. The orientation changes of the crystallites of a polycrystalline aggregate after 1% plastic deformation were calculated and compared with experimental values. The orientations which are deformed without orientation changes were calculated and compared with those of maximum orientation density found by a three‐dimensional texture analysis of cold rolled copper and iron. The dependence of the rotationless orientations on the axis ratio of the deformation tensor was calculated. This allows suggestions to be made on the dependence of the rolling textures on the lateral broadening of the sheet during rolling.

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