The particle morphology and some other properties of chloris striate mosaic virus

SUMMARY: The causal agent of Chloris striate mosaic disease appears to be a virus with polyhedral particles 18 nm in diameter usually occurring as paired structures about 18 times 30 nm in negatively stained preparations. These particles were detected in the nuclei of infected plants forming characteristic inclusions in all cells except those of the epidermis. Such particles were not detected in thin sections of viruliferous leaf hopper vectors (Nesoclutha pallida). Purified virus preparations were shown to be highly infective when assayed by feeding vector leaf hoppers through membranes and confining them on indicator plants.In particle morphology, chloris striate mosaic virus (CSMV) differs from other viruses of Gramineae in Australia but resembles maize streak virus isolated in Africa, which however is serologically unrelated.