Plants of camomil, treated with various herbicides (Elancolan, Mecoprop, Ethofumesate, Kerb 50/W and Legurame) showed differences as well in the total content of essential oil as in the quantitativ composition of the useful substances. Lower chamazulen content was found in all herbicide-treated drugs compared to the untreated drug. Between the flrst and second harvest the content of Bisabololoxid B, Bisabolol and Bisabolonoxid changed. The first harvest showed a much higher content of Bisabololoxid B for Legurame and Kerb 50/W; as well as Bisabolonoxid for the Kerb 50/W drug. In the second harvest only Bisabololoxid B had a higher content, whereas this substance was in range of the untreated drug for Legurame. All herbicide – treated drugs had a lower Bisabolol content in the second harvest compared to the untreated plants. The results indicate that the above mentioned herbicides interfere with the metabolism of secondary products.

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